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Serious Personal Injury

When someone suffers a serious personal injury or illness, it can be life-changing, for both the injured person and their family. Most often instructing a specialist lawyer in respect of a personal injury claim is not the first thing on your mind, as your primary focus will be their health and wellbeing.

However, specialist serious injury lawyers don’t just deal with the compensation on your behalf. They will also ensure that rehabilitation and treatment begin without delay to maximise their chance of recovery. This is where we can help.

What is a serious personal injury?

Personal injury is the legal term used for anyone who has suffered an injury, or has been diagnosed with an illness, as a result of someone else’s negligence. If this happens, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

A serious personal injury is a personal injury that has life-changing effects. When someone suffers a serious personal injury, often referred to as a ‘catastrophic injury’, the claim process is more complex. This is due to the specific health, medical and practical needs of the injured person and the length of time the process takes.

It’s therefore extremely important in cases of serious personal injury, that you instruct a lawyer who specialises in this area of law, so you don’t have to worry about the complexities, knowing that your claim is in capable hands.

What are the types of serious personal injury?

Our definition of a serious personal injury is someone who has suffered a catastrophic injury which has had life-changing effects. These are some of the types of serious injury cases that our lawyers are highly specialised in: ​

  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputation injuries
  • Fatal injuries
  • Military injuries
  • Asbestos related illnesses (such as mesothelioma, asbestos related lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural thickening)

As these injuries and illnesses have long-lasting and life-changing effects, you’ll need to instruct a lawyer who has a vast amount of experience in this field. Our lawyers also specialise in cases of serious personal injury that have happened while on holiday or working abroad.

Serious Personal Injury

What can lead to a serious personal injury claim?

There are numerous incidents caused by someone else’s negligence which may lead to a serious injury claim, such as:

Our employment law specialists have helped businesses from a vast number of industry sectors, both online and offline, in areas such as:

  • A serious road collision in a vehicle as a passenger or driver
  • A serious road collision when cycling or motorcycling
  • A serious accident at work
  • A serious accident while on holiday or working abroad
  • A serious incident in the military while training
  • Exposure to asbestos many years ago

If you’ve suffered a serious personal injury, contact us today for expert advice.

What happens if you need to pay for treatment, aids and equipment before the case settles and you receive compensation?

When you suffer a serious personal injury, it’s likely to have an immediate impact on your finances. You may not be able to work or need immediate adaptations to your home so you can leave the hospital.

Also, serious personal injury cases can take quite some time to settle, as a final prognosis is needed from a medical expert before your case can be valued. This may cause you even more financial hardship.

As specialists in serious personal injury, we’ll apply for ‘interim payments’, which are payments made by the insurers of those at fault for your injuries prior to settlement of your case.

Interim payments will help relieve any financial burdens and will also pay for any treatment, rehabilitation, aids, equipment or property adaptations that you need.

How important is rehabilitation when you’ve suffered a serious personal injury?

In most cases of serious personal injury, treatment and rehabilitation are incredibly important. It’s also incredibly important that it begins at the earliest possible opportunity, as this will maximise the chance of recovery and future independence.

This is another reason why it’s crucial to choose a lawyer who specialises in serious personal injury cases. Our experts understand the importance of early treatment and rehabilitation so consider it an essential part of their role to instruct a case manager and seek funding to begin rehabilitation without delay.

Although the NHS offers a great rehabilitation service, unfortunately, waiting lists can cause delays which can be detrimental to recovery.

What compensation can you expect to receive if you have a serious personal injury claim?

Every case is unique as it depends on the severity of the injury and your personal circumstances. If your claim is successful, your compensation will be broken down into three elements:

General damages: This payment is for your pain, suffering and loss of amenity, so basically, it depends on how severe your pain and suffering has been and the impact it’s had on your everyday life, for example, if you can no longer do chores or enjoy hobbies you used to have.

Special damages: This payment covers all the expenses you’ve had as a result of your serious personal injury, such as:

  • Loss of wages
  • Loss of pension entitlement
  • Medical expenses
  • Treatment and rehabilitation costs
  • Aids, equipment and adaptations to property
  • Loss of personal property
  • Travelling expenses

Future damages: This payment covers any expenses you’re likely to have in the future as a result of your ongoing injuries, such as:

  • Loss of future wages
  • Loss of future pension
  • Future care costs
  • Future rehabilitation and treatment costs
  • Future replacement costs of aids and equipment

As we specialise in serious personal injury cases, we know exactly what you’ll need so will ensure that your compensation protects you financially for however long you need it to.

Personal injury claim

How much does it cost to make a serious personal injury claim?

Our lawyers offer Conditional Fee Agreements, also known as No Win No Fee Agreements, to our serious personal injury clients. This means you won’t have to pay any of your lawyer’s costs if your case fails.

If you win your case, the insurers of those at fault for your injuries will pay your lawyer’s costs. Your lawyer may also charge you a success fee if you win.

This fee will be no more than 25% of your compensation payment, but the amount will be discussed and agreed with you before you sign your Conditional Fee Agreement. This fee will only be charged if your case is successful and will be deducted from your compensation payment.

This means, win or lose, there’s no financial risk to you. If you’d like more information about funding or how a Conditional Fee Agreement works, visit our fees page or simply contact our specialists who will explain everything you need to know.

How can Inspire Legal Group help?

Our serious personal injury lawyers have a vast amount of experience in representing people with catastrophic injury, and their families. Many are considered leaders in their field.

We have experts who are accredited by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and The Law Society.

As experts we’ll ensure we seek early treatment and rehabilitation to maximise the chance of your recovery and will seek early interim payments to relieve any financial concerns.

As we specialise in this area of law, we’ll ensure nothing is missed and you get the absolutely maximum amount of compensation possible, so yours and your family’s financial future is secure.

Our experts are personable and empathetic, and are available to talk you through any concerns or queries you have throughout your case and beyond. Where you just want to check up on the progress of your case, we have a fully safe and encrypted client portal that you can log into at any time and track progress.

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