Inspire Legal Group is an alternative business structure, regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, that promises to revolutionise the legal industry and bring it into the modern age. It’s a movement, and one which will make life easier for legal industry professionals and clients – giving them access to justice without restrictions. The business is made up of 4 brands which work hand-in-hand to transform the legal industry:
- Inspire Legal: A law firm which invites legal consultants and entrepreneurs to grow and develop their consultancy business together with their skills and knowledge, and provide exceptional personal and business legal services to clients.
- Inspire Legal Academy: Due to launch soon: An outstanding training provider of essential medico-legal, legal practice and legal technology training to both medical and legal professionals in the industry.
- Inspire Crypto: The only law firm in the UK to provide recovery of missing crypto assets through scams.
- Vleppo UK: A digitised technology solutions company, empowering businesses to embed Blockchain and smart technology into their operating models and underpin everyday legal transactions.
These brands bring together legal consultants, legal entrepreneurs and legal engineers, from across the UK, to provide a range of exceptional legal services. Inspire Legal Group is ahead of the competition. We don’t just talk about change, we’ve created change. We’ve attracted forward-thinking leading professionals in legal technology, finance, crypto and education, all of whom are looking to the future and pushing for reforms, regulation and new innovative digital solutions.