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Commercial Contract Disputes

Signing and producing contracts is an everyday part of business, whether it’s a contract with a client, a supplier, an employee or a partner. It’s therefore no surprise that there are times when a commercial contract dispute arises. Unfortunately, when it does it can pose a threat to your business, either reputationally or financially. That’s where we can help.

Our business legal experts have a vast amount of experience in commercial contract dispute resolution, working with businesses to ensure the best possible outcome.

What would cause a contract dispute to arise?

There are many reasons why a contract dispute may arise. Some of the most common causes of contract disputes include:

  • Dispute with an employee over contract
  • Dispute arising from a contract review
  • Dispute over an offer made in a contract
  • Dispute relating to fraud
  • Dispute relating to mistakes made
  • Dispute relating to a technical term within a contract
  • Dispute over commitments made not being honoured
  • Force majeure (unforeseen circumstances preventing performance)

Can a commercial contract dispute be resolved without a lawyer’s involvement?

When trying to resolve a conflict, you’re renegotiating the original terms of the contract without realising. The requirement for legal advice at this stage is imperative to avoid further future dispute.

Inspire Legal Group has lawyers who specialise in commercial contract disputes.

Commercial Contract Disputes

Will a commercial contract dispute result in expensive litigation?

Litigation is a daunting prospect for most businesses as it’s likely to impact you financially and possibly reputationally. This is another reason why you should consider instructing a lawyer as early as possible once a dispute is identified. There are instances where litigation is required in order to maintain your reputation as a business and seek justice. This is what we do.

Our lawyers are experts when it comes to contract dispute resolution and their focus is on resolving any issues in the most cost-effective way. We’ll do our best to resolve the issue before it goes to court and provide advice on negotiations to avoid the need for litigation. We also have corporate mediation specialists who can see a quick resolution between the parties without the need to go to court.

Where a dispute is impossible to resolve, we’ll provide you with the best possible representation to bring litigation to a conclusion as quickly as possible.

At what point in a commercial contract dispute should you instruct a lawyer?

We always try to operate on a “prevention rather than cure” basis with all of our clients. For us, a deep understanding of our clients’ longer term business objectives allows us to draft appropriate agreements that will support this and avoid future issues.

However, in the event you can’t be protected, the quicker you instruct a lawyer to deal with your commercial contract dispute, the more chance you have of resolving the issue in the most cost-effective way.

Our specialist commercial contract disputes lawyers will do their best to settle any issues before any damage is done to your business.

How much does an employment lawyer cost?

It’s difficult to say how much it will cost for an employment lawyer to represent you until we know the circumstances of your case. However, we want to be as transparent as possible when it comes to the legal costs involved in an employment case, so have set out the fees involved in our Fees Transparency page. For more details about our fees and how we can help, simply contact us today and one of our experts will be happy to discuss this with you.

How can Inspire Legal Group help?

Our business lawyers are innovative leaders and specialise in commercial contract disputes. Their focus is on resolving issues in the most cost-effective way and bringing matters to a quick conclusion.

They’re fully trained and proactive in their response. They’ll act quickly to ensure everything is done to bring any issues to a quick conclusion.

We also have corporate mediation specialists, who can be of great value when striving to settle any issues without any financial or reputational damage to the business.

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and one of our specialists will be in touch.

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