What can an employment lawyer help with?
Usually, you’ll want to achieve an agreeable resolution as quickly as possible rather than a protracted dispute. Our expert employment lawyers will help you understand your rights, where you stand from a legal perspective and advise you of the best course of action to achieve a positive result.
Our highly skilled employment lawyers can help you at any stage of your employment and provide either full legal representation or work in the background. We’ll help you:
Before you start your job – We can negotiate and review your employment contract, and advise on the impact of a restrictive covenant.
While employed – We can advise on disputes including disciplinary and grievance issues, bullying and harassment and discrimination.
Losing your job – We can advise you if you’ve been unfairly dismissed, made redundant, or forced out, and help you negotiate a settlement agreement and severance package.
Post-employment – We can advise if your restricted covenant is enforceable, or defend you if a breach of contract claim is made.
Whatever employment issues you’re facing, our specialist employment lawyers are available to provide you with straightforward advice to be the best outcome for you.